FLOWER LADY Widow LOVE Offering Request

Sometimes in blogland life, we bloggers( real people behind keyboard keys), get the opportunity to help in practical ways to someone in need . If we are very lucky, it is someone we truly care about. I am starting a Flowerlady Widow Love Offering, for a very sweet blogger many of you know and have grown to love, Flowerlady.

 Lorraine lost her husband not even a week ago, after 43 years of marriage. They had no children , and many in her following crowd, feel as if she is part of our family...in the blogsphere world. How this is going to work, is you can make a donation to my paypal account ( ginam617@yahoo.com), in any amount. You do this by logging into your account, and hitting the SEND Money Link at the top left of your account. Send it as a gift, otherwise paypal will deduct fees thinking I have sold an ebay item. In the field where it says note to seller or recipient, write for Flowerlady Lorraine Love Offering. Please include your name, your blog's name if you have one, and your blog name if it is different from your real name. I am going to give her a list of donors, unless you want yours to be private- just specify that in your notes, I am going to do this until Christmas Day( Dec. 25th), and then send her a email with the total amount that we have come up with to help her in her first year of being without her special DH. This will be our Christmas gift to her-from all of us. I will send her a check/money order with the FULL amounts donated as one larger amount by December 26th, 2012.

 If you would prefer sending me a check, please let me know and I can give you my address.You can make the check out to her or me. 
I understand this is hard at Christmas time, to give extra money, but I also know that each of us can waste money at Christmas time( really all year), on items we will soon forget or never use. You will not forget helping out Flowerlady in her time of need and sorrow. ANY Amount will be appreciated. I am starting this fund with 100.00. But every 5, 10, 20 dollar donation will add up, so please consider donating for her. Also please link this post in your blog, if you believe it may raise more funds for her . MAKE SURE WHEN YOU DONATE, TO INCLUDE THAT IT IS FOR LORRAINE FLOWERLADY LOVE OFFERING, AND DONATE AS A GIFT. I sell on ebay and need to see that it is a GIFT for her in your send money paypal donation.

I hope you all will consider this, if even just a few donations are sent in...it will be helpful and appreciated. If you are unable to do so, that is also ok. Sometimes we are unable to help financially ourselves, but do take a few moments to pray for her and her peace and well-being during this hard time . She needs our prayers just as much.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27

Thank you ,


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